make a difference in your health

Can you make a difference in your health in just 25 days?


  Of course you can! 

Charla Burkett, fitness instructor at NLR Athletic Club, said you have to be realistic and trust the process. "You didn't get out of shape overnight, so you are not going to get in shape overnight either," she explained. As it turns out, 25 days is a great timeframe for setting some achievable goals, seeing what works for you (and what doesn't, and finding the best way to incorporate fitness into your life. This is the time to develop your plan and start making exercise a healthy habit you can stick with in the long-term What are some tips to making the most out of 25 days? 

Review Your Current Fitness Level 

Just getting started? Your goal should be to simply get up and get moving -- start with a 5-10 min walk in the neighborhood and work up from there. Don't compare yourself to anyone else. This is about developing your personal fitness plan. You can't create a road map if you don't know where you are.
 See What Works  
People often rush into an exercise program with BIG goals and push themselves too much. When they don't achieve those goals they give up. Give yourself permission to dabble during this 25-day challenge. This is your time. Try a class to see if working out with others motivates you. Try different times of the day to see which times are best for you in terms of your schedule and your energy level. Try to find something you enjoy so you'll stick with it. 
Set Achievable Goals 
 The goals you set for this 25-day period should be about consistency and discipline. Not about pounds lost. One goal might be to workout three times week. Or you might think about adding a minute each week to your daily walk. Your goals should challenge you but also not be so difficult that you get discouraged. Burkett recommends keeping track of your progress throughout the 25 days. Get excited about the little improvements. Keep an activity log and check it off each day. Decide on a reward for yourself at the end of the 25 days to celebrate all of your hard work. You might treat yourself to a manicure or massage; go shopping or spend an afternoon doing something you love. But, remember, the 25 days is just the beginning; continue the new healthy habits you have created. Being fit and healthy is a lifestyle, not a quick fix. 

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