Lose Weight Forever
3 Things You Have To Give Up To Lose Weight Forever To be healthier and happier, Tory Johnson, author of The Shift, discovered that she had to let go of three particular things. 1. The Cheat Day For years, I was lulled into the moderation trap, a bedrock of nutrition advice that works flawlessly for some women but is a disaster for others. Supposedly, as long as I limited myself to a few bites here or there, I could eat onion rings, rice and chocolate cake -- anything, really -- and not gain weight. Trouble is, I never ate just a few bites. A couple chips led to the whole bag, and, before long, I was out of control again. Ditto for the oft-advised "cheat day." For me, rewarding healthy eating with unhealthy foods was akin to an alcoholic celebrating a month of sobriety with a beer. It didn't work. When it comes to eating, I was not blessed with the moderation gene. Once I stopped struggling with moderation, my life got a whole lot easier. 2. The 7-...