Aloe Vera for Hair

Benefits of Aloe Vera for Hair

Aloe Vera for hair
Aloe Vera for hair

The benefits of Aloe Vera for hair can be traced to its 75 known nutrients, but it is hypothesized that Aloe Vera, or aloe barbadensis, contains over 100 traceable nutrients. It should come to know surprise that Organic Color Systems would take advantage of this awesome plant as an ingredient in the majority of products, including our ammonia-free professional color line.

 1) Promotes Hair Growth
According to University of Hawaii researchers, we can trace the use of Aloe Vera for hair loss back to the ancient Egyptians. In fact, Aloe Vera contains enzymes that directly promote healthy hair growth. These proteolitic enzymes are able to to eradicate dead skin cells on the scalp that could be clogging the the hair follicle, not allowing for the proper penetration of nutrients in the hair. Conditions like seborrhea, which occurs from an accumulation of sebum on the scalp, can contribute to partial baldness. Aloe Vera’s keratolic action, breaks down the sebum and dead scalp cells, allowing for further hair growth. Also, Aloe Vera’s alkalizing properties can help bring the scalp and hair’s pH to a more desirable level, resulting in further hair growth promotion, while helping the hair retain water and moisture.

 2) Anti-Pruritic
Anti-pruritic properties are those that can alleviate itching and dryness. Pruritus ailments include vexing skin and scalp issues, like psoriasis and Eczema. Psoriasis is an auto-immune disease characterized by the excessive production of skin cells. Recall, Aloe Vera’s enzymatic properties, enabling Aloe to destroy excessive dead skin cells, while conditioning the skin and scalp. Since excess skin cell production is at the heart of Psoriasis’ existence, you could see why Aloe is able help eliminate this issue. Aloe can also reduce the redness, scaling, itching and inflammation of scalp psoriasis, which directly benefits the hair, as well. In a study reported in Archives of Dermatology, more than 80 percent of the psoriasis patients treated with Aloe Vera showed improvement.

3) Anti-inflammatory
Historically, one of the primary uses of Aloe Vera has been to reduce redness and inflammation both internally and externally. In fact, Aloe Vera has long been used on burns and external wounds as an antiseptic to reduce swelling, and eliminate bacteria. This is a great attribute to have in our ammonia-free hair color and care products because it helps soothe those that have a sensitive scalp and are prone to irritation. The ingredients responsible for this calming property is Bradykinase, and analesgic anti-inflammatic enzyme, as well as salicylic acid, which is an aspirin-like compound with anti -inflammatory, analgesic, and anti-bacterial properties.

 4) Reduces Dandruff
Because of the aforementioned enzymatic breakdown of dead skin cells from Aloe Vera, this awesome plant has also been used for the treatment of dandruff. There could be many underlying causes of dandruff (like the previously mentioned conditions), but some doctors attribute its existence to malassezia, a fat-eating fungus that can live on the scalp. Luckily, in addition to breaking down the dead skin cells, Aloe Vera also has anti-fungal properties, as well. This is because the fungus thrives in an acidic environment, and the alkalizing attributes of Aloe Vera counters this lucrative fungal environment, disallowing further growth and buildup.

In addition to soothing and eradicating any skin and scalp problems, the benefits of Aloe Vera for Hair as a a great conditioning agent is excitingly overwhelming. The gel-like substance of the aloe barbadensis leaf gives it a similar chemical composition of keratin, the naturally occurring protein in hair cells. This structural similarity allows for easier penetration along the entire length of the hair shaft. Now, you may be beginning to realize why Organic Color Systems utilizes this powerful plant in our ammonia-free hair color – greater penetration makes for richer hair color. We can credit these penetration properties to the lignins found in Aloe Vera, the major structural material of the the cellulose content. It has been proven that the skin can absorb the benefits of Aloe Vera up to 7 layers deep; as our scalps are more absorbent than our skin, can you imagine the conditioning benefits available to the scalp? The combination of Aloe Vera’s 20 amino acids (which are the building blocks of hair and scalp) also adds both strength and luster to the hair.

Benefits of Aloe Vera for Hair Summarized:

  • Relieves Scalp Itching
  • Reduces Scalp Redness & Inflammation
  • Adds Strength & Luster To Hair
  • pH Balancing
  • Promotes Hair Growth
  • Heals Scalps Affected By Psoriasis & Seborrhea
  • Easily Penetrates Hair & Scalp
  • Anti- Fungal Properites Alleviates Dandruff
  • Helps Hair Retain Water & Mositure

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